Comparing ten of Putin’s speeches
This book describes a study into several presentations by Vladimir Putin (Putin). What I gained from this study is an appreciation for Putin’s style of speech. He is clear and articulate. He varies his style to fit the occasion. He demonstrates leadership by pulling people toward common goals.
Released on 19 March 2020
This book describes a study into several presentations by Vladimir Putin (Putin). The three purposes of this study are to gain insight into Putin’s words, to document a technique for analyzing such speeches, and to share what I learned. The themes identified in this study are accusation, challenge, directing, gratitude, information, opinion, platitude, promise, and warning. The stages of inclusivity examined are self, friends, people like us, citizens, and multinational. The variance between these presentations is measured multi-dimensionally and examined for clues about Putin’s intent. The technique used in this study is unveiled gradually with one layer added upon another layer sequentially until the full technique is defined.
What I gained from this study is an appreciation for Putin’s style of speech. He is clear and articulate. He varies his style to fit the occasion. He demonstrates leadership by pulling people toward common goals.
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Non-Fiction > Social science > Political science > Comparative politics
Words - 24,980
Language - English
ISBN - 9780463723807
Tags - Developmentalism, inclusivity, Vladimir Putin, repeatability, speech, textual analysis, themes, variance
Table of Contents
About the cover
My Goal
Technique - Selecting the text
Technique - Presentation
Technique - Anonymization
Technique - Preliminary analysis
Technique - Accuracy
Inclusivity - An introduction
Inclusivity - Stages of inclusivity
Inclusivity - By audience
Inclusivity - By speech
Themes - Building a list
Themes - Shaping the style of a speech
Themes - By audience
Themes - In two dimensions
Themes - By speech
Analysis - A heat map
Analysis - Three dimensions
Analysis - Metadata
Analysis - The Putin Inaugurals
Analysis - Putin speaking internationally
Analysis - Putin speaking domestically
Other works by Robert Perrine
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